Die Neuerungen von 3CX Version 18, Update 8 Final, Build – August 2023
vom 9. August 2023Die Technologielandschaft befindet sich in stetiger Entwicklung, und 3CX steht weiterhin an vorderster Front, um Innovationen und erweiterte Funktionalitäten in die Welt der Kommunikationssysteme zu bringen. Mit der Veröffentlichung von 3CX Version 18, Update 8 Final, Build im August 2023 wird eine Welle neuer Features und Beta-Funktionen eingeführt, die die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen die vereinheitlichte Kommunikation erleben, neu gestaltet.
Dies umfasst optimierte Vorlagen, wichtige Fehlerbehebungen, die Integration neuer Zertifikate und verbesserte Dienste. 3CX bleibt seiner Mission treu, Kommunikationsprozesse zu optimieren, Benutzererfahrungen zu verbessern und die Zuverlässigkeit seiner Systeme sicherzustellen. Tauchen wir also ein in einige der herausragenden Funktionen und Funktionalitäten, die dieses Update mit sich bringt.
Die wichtigsten Features zuerst:
- Desktop-App beinhaltet TAPI-Unterstützung
- CRM-Integration für das Hinzufügen und Suchen von Kontakten
- SharePoint für Backups und Aufzeichnungen
- MS 365-Kontaktsuche und -erstellung leicht gemacht
- Office 365 – verbesserte Integration
Alle Fixes und Updates im Überblick
- Updated Yealink templates for T4XU(T41U/T42U/T43U/T46U/T48U)
- Fixed issue with friendly names for 3CX Talk Links
- Added new Certificate for iOS
- Included new iOS Certificate for Push
- Fixed a rare deadlock inside System Service caused by locks.
- Updated T4Com Template
- Fixed issue with License Activation due to missed Reseller ID.
- Fixed issue with Backup/Restore not triggering when Scheduled Weekly and Day specified is Sunday.
- Fixed memory leaks in System Service caused by events in CRMs.
- Fixed issue with Call journaling when extension is unregistered and has destination end call.
- Fixed Recordings are not deleted on Sharepoint when you Prepend/Append to the Caller ID.
- Fixed issue with Double Request when going to /contacts.
- Fixed Typo in PostgreSQL template.
- Fixed issue with Empty SQL statements causing an error in the log.
- Fixed CFD TTS Cache corruption when a WAV file is removed from disk.
- Resolved issue where Google Storage path list is invalid.
- Fixed the problem where pressing OK does not save when manually adding phones.
- Improved AudioProvider service by fixing the dependency on resampledmo.dll in Windows 11.
- Fixed the issue where Backups on Sharepoint show wrong time in the Management Console.
- Resolved the issue where, when Backup Storage location is set to Google buckets on rotation, all backups have the same creation date.
- Improved Web Client validation for registrar/proxy field.
- App creates as many Audit Log entries as there are characters.
- The default contact matching strategy has been updated to “Match last 7 digits.”
- Separate Welcome Email has been implemented for SSO and non-SSO users.
- Improved WebRTC SIP call pickup.
- Resolved the issue in the Admin view where the mobile number was not updating correctly when the “Forward to My Mobile” feature was set.
- MACs coming from UserAgent of registrar records are now normalized.
- Addressed the issue of CPU spikes during FXS/DECT Template Generation.
- Fixed the issue of some allowed country codes being disabled on each SP update.
- Allowed Country Codes are now restored during installation via cmd config if all are selected.
- Resolved the issue where autoswitch does not reschedule if only 1 day is set as office hours.
- Chat Logs time is now displayed in the browser’s local time instead of UTC in Web Client.
- Resolved the issue where License fails to connect to activate.3cx.com.
- Fixed memory leaks in the admin section.
- Resolved the issue where the widget wasn’t properly unmounting itself.
- Users with the right “Can see group recordings” can no longer see recordings for users from other groups if the call is from the bridge.
- Fixed call flow service crashing due to unhandled exceptions in the transfer component.
- Addressed the issue where Outlook stays on loading when creating a scheduled conference from Web Client.
- Implemented the Generate 30040 Info event for missing config files with MAC.
- Fixed the issue where Enable/Disable Automatic Updates are not being shown in the Audit Log.
- Resolved an issue where BMP file extension is not shown correctly in specific scenarios.
- Fixed the issue with reprovision and Reboot not working when Teams are enabled and the Phone uses TLS.
- Fixed email sending for Conference invitations.
- Templates
- Fixed the duplicated GMT-6:00 United States-Central Time Timezone entry in Fanvil templates.
- Removed FW update link from Grandstream GW templates.
- Updated incorrect provisioning URL for GS PSTN GW – only windows installations.
- Removed unsupported codecs from the Grandstream FXS gateways.
- Updated Template: Actio.pl.
- Updated Template: Brightstar.
- Updated Template: NTES.
- Updated Template: OVH.
- Updated Template: Skyetel.
- Updated Template: UFone.
- Updated Template: Voip.ms.
- Updated Template: 58VoIP.
- Updated Template: Buroserv.
- Updated Template: Fanvil Time Zones.
- Updated Template: Htek.
- Updated Template: snom D Series.
- Updated Template: Callcentric
- Added Template: Mango Office.
- Added Template: Fanvil X-Series.
- Added Template: Gigaset N610.
- Added Template: Novofon.
- Vtiger template to return the ContactUrl for Vtiger v9.
- Restored: FM Telecom.
- Restored: Trenove.
Weitere Informationen zum Thema erhalten Sie hier
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